CSX F40PH Nscale Build
Actually, both engines were painted from spray cans. I heated both slightly in warm water for a few minutes, and used a spray can "trigger" (found at any hardware or paint store) to get a better pass with the paint. Heating the can further atomizes the particles and builds pressure. But I don't think my technique did much...I think the paint just worked well. The first engine was sprayed with Tamiya blue and Model Masters sunburst yellow. But I wrongly mixed a synthetic lacquer and an enamel and got by with passable results. On the second engine, I used two Tamiya products (same blue but a different shade of yellow) and got a better result. The yellow didn't bleed under the painters tape at all like the enamel did. Plus on the second engine, as soon as the yellow was painted on, I removed the painters tape, hoping the paint had set up enough to hold without migrating under the tape. If you look really closely, the engine with no decals (the second engine painted) has a crisp yellow line around the bottom of the shell. I think using the Tamiya paint helped make that happen since I used the same painters tape technique to mask them off.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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