Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Fortuneately, apart from power outages, and not totally unexpected flooding, I don't think there was a lot of damage. Most people i've talked to (today I met someone who lives in Atlantic City, a mile or two south of where the hurricane made landfall) say they feel it was unnecessary for our governor to evacuate everyone.


I seriously hope that you are only referring to your area. If not, you surely haven’t been watching the news. Northern New Jersey has been devastated by the flood waters that were brought on by Irene and we had more flooding yesterday due to the heavy rain overnight as the ground is basically at saturation point. There is no place for the water to go. If you weren’t flooded by the initial deluge, you still have to be careful because the ground water level is rising and flooding people’s basements from below. Damage is expected to be in the billions and I believe it. While the flooding was indeed expected, its reach and intensity was not. Towns that don’t usually flood, did. Those that typically flood, flooded much worse. Some towns/citys were almost completely underwater. Paterson and Wallington come to mind, as well as towns that are more local to me such as New Milford, Westwood and Hillsdale. And this is just a tiny sampling of affected towns.

As for the Governor overreacting, the people who you talked to must be joking. A lot of people, including those on the opposite side of the political aisle, as high up as the President, have said that he did a great job and that lives were saved by his actions. It’s not just the lives of the morons that wanted to wind-surf, or wave-surf, or whatever they wanted to do during a class 1 hurricane, that he was worried about, it was also the emergency response people that would have to take precious resources away from real emergencies that weren’t created by stupidity to go help/save those that were.


I’m sorry for the hijack, but I just wanted to set the record straight for those who don’t live in areas that weren’t affected by Irene.

It’s been my experience, although several years ago, that print magazine subscriptions always take a while to process and start mailing. Be patient, it will come.


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