MicroSoft Train Simulator II (or X) Giving Up Hope
They released a video with a preview of a short (a VERY short) section on the Horseshoe curve route. All you see are a few BNSF diesels starting up a freight train, coming to an abrupt stop after the train split a turnout in a yard. WOW! What a demonstration! (Yep, this is irony! Confusedhock: )

The graphics are quite a bit better than on MSTS 1, but this should be obvious after the time lapse since the devopment of the original MSTS. But there are still clipping errors (e.g. trees which are 'pushed aside' by the train). The sound isn't bad, but I'd like to hear the sound of a steam engine! (As all MSTS users know, the steam loco sound is more than lousy - dull, no dynamics and worst of all, no attempt at all to synchronize the sound with the wheels. Nope Nope Nope )

As I have read in several places, there will be no compatibility with the old MSTS. So all those zillion routes and rolling stock stuff you could download will be obsolete. Thank you very much, Microsoft!

But just the same, after all these years with MSTS I still like it. There are so many additions (and many of them - beautifully ones! - you can download free through the web), that you can literally find a special line for everyone's taste. And the graphics of many of these additions are simply stunning. So I'll stay with the old MSTS for a few years to come. And I think, many others will, too.

And when MS finally comes out with version 2, perhaps there will be another simulator which will be the standard for RR simulations. There are already a few in the starting blocks...

Boss of the Trim Creek & Western RR (H0 & H0n3)
Running through the hard-shell mountains, not around them!

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