L&N Industrial Rail Spur
Gee whiz - got my own thread turned around - BUT I really appreciate all the nice comments about my "situation". Really a great bunch of people on here!

I sure don't have much energy right now, so when I do try to mess around with the layout some or just run a train, I don't last too long. Started a simple switching session last night and was going to photograph it (video is out until I get the mess cleaned up), but didn't even get finished switching one industry before I felt like I just had to go lay down for a while. But I know things will improve as the days pass. Once again; THANKS for all the kind comments. Means a lot....

I'm using Peco and Atlas Code 100 track. Mostly because I had 5 or 6 boxes of Atlas C100 flex track and several Peco C100 turnouts on hand and it does save a little money. Very little difference between code 100 and 83; especially after the track is painted and ballasted. Think I mentioned before, that were I that concerned about the track, then I'd be using code 70. Were I starting from scratch, I'd have no doubt gone with the code 83.

My goal is to just have a "good enough" layout that operates reliably as I'm more into the switching and train operation than anything else. Layout already operates great, even though it's only temporarily pinned to the foam and only has one power feeder attached to the track. Derailments are non-existent and never get a stall in the turnouts or any where else, if that tells you anything. I do use the insul-frog Peco turnouts too.

I just about made that 6 hour mark Monday! Apparently, when they do this ablation thing, they are constantly testing different areas in your heart - speeding up your heart rate and slowing it down, etc., to try and locate the areas that are causing the irregular heartbeat. But I sure was shocked when they told me I needed to be "DCC equipped" LOL. Doctor said that they did fix the irregular heartbeat thing, and so far that does seem to be "fixed", but they just could not get my heart rate to where it needed to be.
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