Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Reinhard,Now I know why that photo looks odd.. Icon_lol

As far as the so called "dreaded "S" curve that shouldn't be a problem in a slow speed area.

A lesson learn on my second ISL is never ever use a #4 and #6 together because you end up with a problem-no not the "S" curve but, you use track space that you don't really need to use and it will come back to haunt you.

IMHO a ISL is probably one of the most unforgiving layouts around as a example even a 14" x 10' ISL takes lots of planing in HO or N simply because every inch counts.

As I have mention before 90% of my layouts been ISL and I think I could write a 3 page magazine article on the lessons learn over the years. Icon_lol

As a edit add-on.

Here is 2 #4 C-Ls(right/left) with 2 50' boxcars and as we can see there is no issues.

[Image: 006-20.jpg]

Summerset Ry

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