Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Well I'm at a lose here myself. I gather from a couple of your earlier postings that when this happened before and you cleaned out some hair and gunk from the trucks that it ran okay after that. So perhaps that has happened again and it will be an easy fix. Could also be that something has made its way into one or more of the gears on one or both trucks that is causing it stall or bind at slow speeds. If that's the case, and cleaning everything fixes it; you'll just have to figure out the source of where this stuff is coming from and eliminate it.

If that isn't the problem this time, then you might want to email BLI customer service and tell them the problem and see if they can suggest anything for you to do; even send it to them for repair. It is under warranty for a year. Since it looks like it will be a little while before you actually start laying your track and testing out your plan, it shouldn't hurt to do without the locomotive for a couple of weeks.

You can certainly lay out your track; hook up the good old DC power pack and test it with another locomotive until this one is repaired. I know that engine was a big expense for you and it would be a shame for it to end up on the dead line. They are very good running locomotives.
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