Has anyone got advice on the foam incline sets
I used a set on one of my inclines. Unfortunately, I got cheap and used regular foam insulation for the extra packing and later noticed that it wasn't 1/2" but 9/16 or 5/8 and there was a bump at the end of each 1/2" rise from the WS inclines.
You'll need some extra work at the bottom. If you have the money you might spring for a set of risers at half your grade for a transition. I found the "sharp" end of the inclines a bit lumpy and in need of sanding. A bit of padding at the bottom will also help with transition. The half-grade risers will aso help at the top.
(Things I should have done -- the bottom of my grade is cookie-cuttered from the Homasote.)
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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