MicroSoft Train Simulator II (or X) Giving Up Hope
nolatron Wrote:A few screenshots here and there are better than nothing in my opinion. Shows the team is still working on it.
Or they're just now releasing stuff that was already finished months ago.

nolatron Wrote:Microsoft announced the game in January 2007, so it's only been two years. The average development cycle on a video is game around 2-3 years, so the planned release of Q4 2009 seems about right.
Not when the original release date has been pushed back as many times as it has.
If they couldn't get the job done in the amount of time they stated, then they should have given it a later release date to start with rather than fustrating people over and over with continued delays.

Oh... and I'm pretty sure they were working on it well before it was announced. After all, why tell somebody about something when the release is still two or 3 years off? Especialy when the original release date was scheduled early 2008.

nolatron Wrote:Just because MS isn't pushing out videos/screenshots on a daily basis for folks like you doesn't mean they aren't working on it.
I didn't say they weren't working on it.
I said it should be done by now.

nolatron Wrote:Then do so, otherwise it seems like you're just kicking a dead horse to kick it.
Kicking a dead horse/venting some fustration. Six of one and half a dozen of the other.

nolatron Wrote:I on the other hand will patiently be waiting for the release of the game. My life doesn't depend on this game coming out, so if it never does, who cares. If does, then great.
My life doesn't depend on it. I'm just tired of being disapointed every time a release date gets close and they have nothing to show for it but screen shots and a few videos.
Baby likes to rock it like a boogie-woogie choo-choo train!

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