Moving day...
Thanks for your kind words, guys. Goldth

Steamtrains Wrote:Are those feed sacks I see in the storage building..??

Yeah, Gus, those are my all-purpose boxcar load/interior detail pile o' sacks - pretty tough for the LPBs to handle:

[Image: Freightcarloads026.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarloads020.jpg]

nachoman Wrote:....I wonder if you placed a camera on the bridge looking across the river, you could see the co-op peeking above the trees.. ?

I tried several shots from both the bridge and from the fields on either side of Indian Line, but just the top of the roof was visible in only a couple of the views. I did get this one from someone in a boat on Chippawa Creek (it appears he's almost to the brink and probably dropped into the aisle shortly after snapping this photo):

[Image: ViewsatElfrida029.jpg]

Moving the camera along the bridge, it was almost to the outskirts of Elfrida (east end of the bridge) before the building appeared from behind the trees:

[Image: ViewsatElfrida028.jpg]

[Image: ViewsatElfrida022.jpg]

There was more of the elevator to be seen as our train rolled into town, but no more scenic shots of it peeking through the trees and the sky was beginning to take on a threatening appearance:

[Image: ViewsatElfrida033.jpg]

[Image: ViewsatElfrida038.jpg]

[Image: ViewsatElfrida036.jpg]


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