Liberty Industrial Spur
Now that all track is down and I can run mini ops sessions, I have realised a few things: This layout is within my ability, but it is going to take awhile to build, it is also a permanent layout so it will have to have a short life-span. I do really like my layout but before I progress any further I thought I should run an idea by you guys, what if I built Lance Mindheim's Palmetto spur using one of my HCDs?

I have all of the track needed to build it, all I would have to do would be to take down the other HCDs and re-position the one I will use so I can have room for the cassette, I would have to build the cassette but I think it would be a fun project. This idea would be great since I will be able to keep it when I move out.

I do like my current layout and would be happy to continue building it, I just thought I would share this idea with you guys to see what you think.
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)

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