Just want to say thanks
There has been a recent upsurge of spammers registering here and posting their garbage. We have enough guards in place to hold off the bots from registering, so it takes a human to get registered here. Usually they register late at night and get to post right away and get out before anyone catches them. Their current technique is to revive an old post and say something innocuous, then use their signature to post a link to some site selling something. Others just blatantly post their message and forget about going through the process of adding a signature.

Regardless, we seem to have members on site just about 24/7, and some spam doesn't last but minutes before someone reports it or one of our staff catches it. As a result, we rarely see spam here for any length of time. Mikey and I, as well as all the moderators appreciate your vigilance. For those of you that aren't aware, you can report a post by clicking on the triangle with the "!" in it in the upper right corner of any post. At that point, anyone on our staff can deal with the post and we will ban whoever posted it. You can also report any other questionable posts and we can make a determination of how to handle it after that. On those, we sometimes just ask the poster to edit their post, or we may just move the post to a secure area until we've discussed it with the person that posted it. In our almost three years of being here, we have yet to ban anyone other than a spammer. That shows your the quality of people we have as members here. Cheers

Again, no one wants to see spam, and no one wants to see things that are not appropriate for our family-friendly site, so here's a great big
to all of you for helping keep this site clean. Thumbsup Thumbsup
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