Shamrock Ave. Ft. Worth, TX
Justinmiller171 Wrote:Here is what a GP-50 would look like on 15" curves in Xtrkcad:
[Image: GP50-15inch.gif]

As you can see it is extremely tight, I don't know if it would even fit on the track, there would also be problems with the couplers, even at slow speeds it might derail the train.

Now if 15" track works then great, in an industrial area there is nothing wrong with it visually.

I suggest you get a piece of 15" track and put the engine on it to see how it works, hiding the track with tight curves might be a problem if there is a derailment, derailments will always occur in the worst locations Wink.

Actually I think that picture is a tad exaggerated then it would be in reality.

Summerset Ry

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