Reworking some old N scale freight cars.
" The end ladder gets the same treatment but this is a lot more difficult and I'm glad it's on the end which is partly hidden in most operating situations. Sometimes it is easier to use a normal blade here rather than a chisel blade. "

A long time back, I took an old set of jewelers screwdriver, removed the "swivels" and replaced them with 5/8" dia. wood "beads", and ground the blades to a razor edge. Those are what I use to remove small detail like ladders etc. .
They also double as scrapers to further smooth the area where detail has been removed. I have since found them very useful for chopping tiny strip stock, and as micro chisels for working styrene, and wood "parts".
Because they have such narrow cutting edges, they are particularly good at removing ladders on the car ends, working around the other detail, and leaving it undamaged....( most of the time :oops: ) Big Grin
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