Making good Masking
Hi folks, I skimmed over the whole thread, and read some in detail,so if Imissed something already dicussed please forgive me.

I haven't noticed any reference to liquid masking fluid, which can be very handy for tears in masks and also for window frames and gaskets.

Frisket film is also available from art suppliers and specialty automotive suppliers for things such as motorcycle art and helmets. Think of it as stretchy Mac-Tac.

I always spray silver metal last as it doesn't like handling.

I always use high-gloss paints and use a dull finish clear after decals for insurance against bleeding and silvering.

I was taught to paint locomotives by a retired Canadian Pacific painter on full-scale engines and some of the techniques still apply to models.

First spray the pinstripe colour freehand where its supposed to go and let dry thoroughly.

Cut strips of tape or friskett the width of the stripe and carefully apply and rub down, fixing tears with liquid mask.

Next is the step that was a eurika moment for me, spray another coat of pinstripe colour, this seals the mask and guess what?
If it bleeds it doesn't matter because it's the same as the paint under the tape!

When this dries go to the next colour, in this case gray (use the lightest first if you can).

Spray then let dry, the magic in this technique is that the next mask is easier because you literally have a margin for error the width of the stripe.

Always re-spray the previous colour and let dry to seal the mask.

Spray the next colour etc.

Someone I used to know would spray the letters and numbers areas with the approprate colour at the same stage as the pin-stripes, then apply rub-on transfers.
The transfer colours don't matter.

Then he would spray the surrounding coat and when dry carfully scratch away the transfers revealing the perfectly painted characters underneath! No decals! Guaranteed match between numbers/letters and stripes!

Check out some of the model aircraft real metal finishes, and gold-leafing methods, for durable stunning results.

When I get some free time, I'm going to try some new masking tape called "Frog Tape".
They claim that it self-seals with moisture.

Hope this helps!


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