Canadian Pacific 2-8-0 Kitbash
Good news everbody! Tender is completed! I mean, the general modifications. Some details like lift bar and back ladder will wait after I get the resin rivets.

Installed the railing.

[Image: 3759134b.jpg]

I used a headlight from a MDC/Roundhouse vanderbilt tender. I mounted it on a stand made out of styrene sheet and Evergreen square styrene bits.

[Image: 3759136b.jpg]

I salvaged the original water hatch. Always keep everything you cut!

[Image: 3759135b.jpg]

The assembled wood extension. I decided to reuse the trick that I used for the cab: I cut long stanchions to make them shorter. It wasn't worth to order them. I kept the few short ones I have for the liftbar. But after that, no more supplies (completely stripped my Rivarossi Genoa!!! Anyway, she'll be rebuilt one day...). The steel corners on the wood extension are made of paper. We often overlook this material. The finest scratchbuilt buildings I've seen were done in the late 70's by a French modeller that used only paper of different kind. The level of detail was amazing.

[Image: 3759138b.jpg]
[Image: 3759139b.jpg]

The assembled thing on the layout. Seems like we time-travelled a little bit too far, Canadian Northern is still in business!

[Image: 3759142b.jpg]

Now, it's getting harder to notice the Spectrum heritage!

[Image: 3759149.jpg]

Now, i've got to redo all the electronic and headlights. Shouldn't be any update here until I get the rivets done.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station

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