dave_long 2012 resolution challenge
Happy New year to you all,

I thought I'd add to the challenge, I like having deadlines to aim for, focuses the mind. Anyway my project for the challenge is to turn a old BB athearn GP50 into a Norfolk southern GP38-3. Its going to be a big overhaul, with lots of add on parts and hopefully a good number of scratchbuilt parts. NS 5828 http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPic...?id=756455

Here's where the start is a fully stripped BB ex Santa FE gp50


Just like the prototype I'm using a GP50 and removing an exhaust fan and altering some of the other details (if you can make out the text in the image). For now the BB motor is staying, I will be doing the motor maintenance and see how it fairs after a good run. The wheels will be changed as i dont have gradients or long trains.

I'll list the parts used as an when I update the thread. There will be parts from most of the detailing companies. The cab and nose will need doing so the battery box will be done too and those will be cannon parts. I'm hoping that railflyer will get their Q fans sorted in time, but if not then DA Q fans will be used, unless a source of overland ones can be found.

Thanks for reading, hopefully I'll get some work updates added over the next week or so.

My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog http://dlmr.wordpress.com/ Please come by and leave a comment.

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