And I thought ExactRail was expensve!
I wanted to get an estimated cost for building a 7.5" gauge layout similar to my HO layout.

Here's what a bit of research/guessing.figuring provided:

(Note: revised figures are in a post below. I mistakenly sized all the distances in 1:1 scale instead of 1/8 scale.)

140 acres of cheap land out in the boonies @ $1000 per acre = $140,000
Landscaping and dirt work = $150,000
78000 feet of rail @ $13 per 10 feet = $101,400
104,400 ties @ $1 each = $104,400
208,800 tie plates @ $0.15 each = $31,320
28 turnouts @ $1100 each = $30,800
480 yards of gravel for ballast @ $50 per yard = $24,000
8 assorted bridges @ $6000 each = $ 48,000
30 industry structures @ 3000 each = $90,000
10 GP and SD locos @ $15,000 each = $150,000
200 freight cars @ $1100 each = 220,000
Miscelaneous = $100,000

About $1.2 million

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