My girlfriend's work thread
Scenery is coming along on the diorama. The rock faces are plaster castings with a wash of WS earth tones, and the first ground cover is a thin layer of real soil from our back yard. This was dried and baked in the oven for a while, then crushed and sifted to get rid of the bigger chunks before applied. On top are several layers of various WS ground foam; Fine turf (Weeds and Burnt grass), Blended turf (Earth blend and Green blend) and Coarse turf (Yellow grass):

[Image: 2102_w1200.jpg]

While the glue is drying, she has started over with the cut on the other side of the trestle. The rock texture was different from the plaster castings, so she's re-doing it with plaster castings on top of the old surface.


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