jwb's 2012 New Year's Resolution Challenge
jwb Wrote:I already had a New River Mine kit that I'd assembled, but it's from a previous layout and is somewhat the worse for wear. I also realized, when I started to look more at prototype mine pictures, that the color isn't right -- most mines are silver (and painted that way, I think). I suspect the reason is that mines are pretty closely inspected, and the owners try keep them in good condition. So rather than try to fix the old version, I saw that Walthers had the kit on sale for like $25, and I figured it would be easier to start over.

I've started working on the cardboard lattice to support the plaster cloth, and this gives a good idea of how the new mine will fit in the area. Things are pretty close, so it's good to have the guide:[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]

Working with the second newer kit will be easier, but the first kit may turn out to be a good candidate for bashing or scavenging parts to customize the new building.

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