Introducing The PistonBroke Line
Thanks Lynn, nice to be here and to see a few old faces, and hopefully meet a few new ones in time.

Russ Bellinis Wrote:Jack I see a couple of possible problems that can probably be fixed while it is still in the bench work under construction stage. If you track is more than about 24 inches from the front edge and you can't access it from the other side, you won't be able to reach it if a train derails at the back, and you know how Mr Murphy's law works.
Hey ya Russ, That Murphy fella sits on my shoulder day and night causing untold havoc, Wallbang so I appreciate your concern and the time you obviously took to read the post.
The problem is that the layout was constructed a year or so ago (wow sorry, nearly three yrs ago)so there is no going back, however there is only one side... that is the left side in the plan...that I cannot access from either side of the benchwork, ie: it is against a wall, so no real dramas....yet.
Thank you gentlemen for your encouragement, once again you have spurred me on to try to add another chapter to this
shaggy dog story of a newbys' journey of discovery into the world of model trains .

So here's an update on the making of the "Pistonbroke" Line which came from the home of the "Great Drill Bit Breaker" (Son in-Law)

Well eventually we got the benchwork done and bolted together
[Image: bench5.jpg]

And we screwed 1/2" chipboard on top as the baseboard (it looks like I had to sleep down thereto watch over the project)
[Image: bench6.jpg]
[Image: 100_0403.jpg]
[Image: 100_0424.jpg]


[Image: 100_0423.jpg]

Notice We have some track layed down already . train Could'nt wait to see the trains going round. At this stage we were DC and it was probably the set track from the original train set that is on the Deck. But hey the anklebiters 2285_ were going home soon and we DID have a train running on a bench for them. Misngth

Then it was... to foam or not to foam.... Icon_lol I could not source any Pink foam easily but I thought I needed to have a bit of a cushion underneath so I could shape some ground contours .. least a little bit

( Hey what do I know) But I found some 1" fairly solid core foam.and that went onto our baseboard with some white glue.

stuck on with White Glue
[Image: 100_0452.jpg]
[Image: 100_0453.jpg]
Rivetting stuff eh? :oops:
[Image: 100_0454.jpg]

We were still using the old track plan and as yet had not joined up the bench to increase the hurt on Jacks Bones with the ensuing Duckunder.
[Image: 100_0447.jpg]

But it did'nt take long before the new trackplan came into being. Tongue and so when The war Office wasn't home The Real Estate Grab was on, the gap was closed, and ....voila ... A B***y duckunder Nope was created.(plus the bench was extended a weeeeee bit) but dont tell the War Office Misngth

I printed the plan out at a 1:1 from xtrackcad and pinned it out onto the table
[Image: 100_0463.jpg]
[Image: 100_0464.jpg]

[Image: 100_0465.jpg]

So we were all set now to lay some track. But what track? what frog? electrofrog? insulfrog? DC ? DCC?
Anyway If you have lasted this long maybe you will tune in next week to find out more about this oneman Journey into the unknown.

Its yours! Do it your way
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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