dave_long 2012 resolution challenge
Hi Guys

Mark, Thanks for the encouragement.

Wayne, I'm waiting on a whole bunch of items to get shipped from the US over here so in the mean time I've been very busy with the camera, there are plenty of before shots to go along with the project. I've also got a bunch of prototype photos of NS 5807 to post alongside. So you'll hopefully get a few proto - before - after photo sets.

Mileswestern, Thanks glad you like the photo, its actually about 15 photos stitched together. I take lots of images with the same conditions but manually focus on a different section of the body and then use a photo stitching program to make one in focus image. I use CombineZP is a free ware program and very good! See here CombineZP wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CombineZP and homepage: http://hadleyweb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/CZP/News.htm There's plenty of programs that will do stitching, the hardest part is making sure you've enough photos with the correct focus points. The image above isn't perfect there is a slight out of focus section by the fuel tanks, but I was happy with it so I used it.

Any questions please ask.
I'm hoping to get going with some progress in the next week or so. There is a lot of surgery to do to the body and the DB blister, just removing the Turbo exhaust hatch to replace it with a flat panel and non turbo exhaust stacks is going to be quite a challenge.

My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog http://dlmr.wordpress.com/ Please come by and leave a comment.

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