Freelance 2012
The ground cover has reached the far right end of the south yard.

[Image: IMG_1169.jpg?t=1327581892]

After looking several times at the main road of the SWSSA layout and Garys Mykawa Rd I decided to have no "toy road" on my small layout and omit it at all. May be I can have a small piece of a road discontinued when the tracks of the south yard have been laid.

[Image: IMG_1170.jpg?t=1327581886]

There is still one lot free. The containers etc. are place holders only. However, Lance uses them in a nice way and they are colorful. may be I should "steal/borrow" that idea. We will see. There are about 11 month time to decide and to do all the details of the layout Wink

[Image: IMG_1171.jpg?t=1327581885]

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