What Would You Change?
Could it possibly be that the reason the "majority" prefer to by "pre assembled" could be due, in part, to the manufacturers withdrawing "kits" from the market ? Seems to my geriatric mind, rolling stock "used to be" in the majority as either/or kit/RTR in all but "toy/set" trains (RTR) or "craftsman" kit-only. Kits seemingly by maker's choice, are more & more scarce, though variety and accuracy is much increased - any road, different road #s, weathered or not...and you may have to disassemble (at your peril) RTR equipment - or structure (!) to modify it for your purpose. To me, it's a tad discouraging - especially on my limited hobby budget. Bring back KITS !!! - I would even spend some $ for plans to aid in scratching. End of 'nother rant. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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