Wire Rounder (PLEASE HELP!!!)
Wow, thanks for the replies! I'll try to answer each in turn.

Dave - it does just what it says, it rounds wire. Okay, so you probably want more than that. It's basically a deburring tool for the cut ends of stiff wire.

upnick - The site I linked to in my original post has them for $5.99 with free shipping. I may just order from them if MicroMark doesn't have any more. Part of the plea, however, is to convince MicroMark (and myself) that I really DID see one in the catalog. Okay, so there's some pride at work here.

Wayne - I was thinking it would be great for rounding wire to be soldered in brass detail parts assemblies. Then the more I thought about it, the more uses I came up with. Plus, it's a cool tool. I like cool tools, and on a limited budget I figure I'll invest in good tools in order to get the most from the raw materials I use. Sure, I suppose a needle file would do the same job, but this seems to get rave reviews from the beading sites.

Thanks again everybody for taking a look. Of course the one time I need an old catalog is the time I clean them all out. Wallbang

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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