Itsy bitsy, teenie weenie...
Dave Harris sctchbld Wrote:Tho not exactly what you are asking about , something I found handy to have , along with my #61 to 80 drill is a set of welding tip cleaners . They usually come in pinvice type arrangement with a number of bits in the handle. The bits a very tough & quite small. Try a welding supply shop , often they are a "give-away" promotion to help welding rod sales.

The welding tip cleaners that I have might be handy for use as a reamer to open up a hole, but the tips of the ones I have are blunt. There is no way I could drill a fresh hole with one. I don't mean to suggest that pointed tipped torch cleaners are not available, I have just never seen them, and I made a good living for 35 years with a torch among other tools.

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