Upgrading MDC/Roundhouse boxcars
Here are a few more that I've weathered. I read a French book once that said "epatiner toujours", or maybe it was "toujours epatiner", and that's one of the few French phrases I can remember. Here's one I did the other day:
    I've tried weathering with Polly Scale colors diluted in water and applied with a brush, but it's never appealed to me, though other guys get good results. I prefer solvent Floquil weathering colors diluted in Flat Finish and airbrushed on. The N de M car was first done with diluted Rail Brown, and after that, because it's lettered for cement service, diluted Floquil Aged Concrete. Mexican cars seem to get and stay pretty dirty.

Here's a UP appliance car that I did with diluted Grimy Black:

And an Accurail sorta-kinda PRR X43C with my usual roof treatment: half-and-half Floquil Old Silver and SP Lettering Gray airbrushed on, then dusted with rust colored chalk:

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