A bridge to fit my needs
I spent the better part of the day test fitting track and other things on my layout and found I had another problem. Of course on paper everything lines up. When I laid out everything using flextrack and pins I found that if I cross the two tracks like I had wanted to then I don't have sufficent room to swing back around to connect the lower track where I planned. Eek I tried several different variations but the curve radius was far too sharp. I cleared everything away and started over. I finally found that if I forget the crossover and run the lower track on the outside edge of the table I can make the connection as planned. This arrangement also made a little more room where I plan to locate a coal loader. AND, I found a little space for a small siding and a tiny business!

Trucklover, thanks for the offer on the bridge but I guess I'll have to pass. I really wanted a nice bridge for this but I have learned to compromise over the years. The new plan will be a little less difficult to build and will actually be better. I loose the bridge but gain: 1) a wider curve, 2) more room for the coal loader and 3) a small siding.

Thanks guys,


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