Legal Question
Linking to anything on the Internet is fair game. Embedding it in your own page or hosting it on your own server is theft. "Fair use" is something twisted by freeloaders to get something for nothing. If you're writing about my photography then you can probably get away with fair use. You are, after all, discussing the photograph(s) in question. If you're writing about CSX locomotives and you use one of my photographs to illustrate that's theft.

If you're using my photograph for a purely non-commercial purpose I'll likely grant free use if you ask first. If you don't ask first then there will be hell to pay. A photograph is somebody's work product. Weather or not that person derives his or her entire income from photography is irrelevant. It takes a full time pro the same amount of time to do the work as a part-time photographer. You wouldn't (reasonably) expect a plumber to fix a toilet for free so why would you expect something from nothing from a photographer?

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