New Jersey railroad news
ezdays Wrote:Something there just doesn't add up. Casinos started that service to bring gamblers to their doors. When people gamble they make money, that's the whole idea behind bringing people there by train that would not normally come there. Most casinos around here have free bus service and I doubt that they'll stop service just because there's no income from it. I can't believe that they ever intended to make a profit on their train service other than that which they get from gambling, food and shows. They have 90 to 100% ridership that brings people there to spend big bucks, so something just doesn't add up. :? :?

Leave it to an engineer to read between the lines Eek Goldth Goldth Goldth Goldth

Here is the reason - Profits have been down for over a year, across the board, since Casinos have opened in neighboring states (PA & DE).. there is one 2 miles from me...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ty-revenue</a><!-- m -->

They just can't afford to put more money into a rail line that does not bring that many people in.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
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~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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