I need to build an underground tram system.

I've been doing some looking around and found this (unfortunately now over) eBay listing for plans for a subway car. Scroll down to see the description.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/O-HO-GAUGE-NEW-YORK-SUBWAY-CAR-INST-F-S-PLANS-/260859895242">http://www.ebay.com/itm/O-HO-GAUGE-NEW- ... 0859895242</a><!-- m -->
The little book incouded HO and O scale drawings. If you could obtain plans like this and have them enlarged to your 44" length size you'd have a good start for the body. I assume you plan to make them operational so they move? You mentioned the subway cars are intended for a film...can you consider smaller cars thart are commercially available? As part of my looking around today I saw a few Youtube videos of subway themed layouts that looked pretty cool.

best wishes!

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