I need to build an underground tram system.
Well , okay , a low budget film tells me that money is in short supply everywhere in the project ....best get someone who shares the same enthusiasm for the project and is willing to sponsor/supply $$$ because it will take some bucks and/or time to build the model you are looking for .

For Instance ! The company I work for gets approached on a weekly basis to build someones favourite model or pet project ....we need plans or pictures or blueprints to go by . Then , using Corel Draw , we can whip up a model on the laser machine . This will cost about $1000+ just for starters ....laser machines are expensive and the project has to be built in a cost effective manner . When we broach the cost factor to the would-be client there is usually an audible gasp ....they were expecting maybe a hundred bucks .....no problemo , you can build it yourself ! Of course , they don't want to go that route so the conversation is quite short .

Bottom line , one off projects can be relatively expensive if you can't build it yourself .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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