Posing another question about the hobby.
I remember back probably I'm thinking I was 7 or 8 and I had this train set it was in a yellowish colored box and I recall playing with it for hours at a time and I'll never forget the smell of either it was the engine or the transformer after I had ran it for a very long time, I'm 47 this year.
Now to get back into this hobby it had to be maybe 5-6 years ago I was in Toronto with the family on business\leisure and I had noticed at the Covention Center out on Dixon Rd ( we always stayed at the Dbl tree on Dixon rd) if any one is familar with the Convention Centre, well anyway I had seen on the big sign Train Show in big letters , well I dropped the wife and daughter off at the Square One Mall and my son and I hit the train show, I was amazed by what I saw. I never regretted getting into the hobby from that day forward.

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