B&O layout
Thanks to everyone for their encouraging words. I must admit I was hesitant to post any pictures until I resolve the lighting that is playing havoc on my camera. My old layout benefited from lots of natural lighting but very little room, whereas my new layout has lots more room, but with artificial lighting. I will try to mess around with the white balance feature on my camera to see if that helps any.
As you can see, no track has been laid as of yet, I just put some old scraps of flex track to gauge how much of my track plan will fit in the available space.
The larger brick building is an old DPM kit that I combined with an old discontinued Walthers building that I used to replicate a power plant. There is a similar building still at Baltimore's inner harbor that is now a commercial retail space. The large rounded windows on the kit are similar to what is on the real thing.
The two shelf layouts have yet to be connected into one, but that will be taken care of as I refine my track plan. There will also be an additional 12-15 ft add on to the end of one of the shelfs you see in the pictures.
Once I overcome my photography issues I will post more as I progress.
P.S Anyone else have issues with shooting under florescent lighting?

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