Posing another question about the hobby.
When I was 8, I got a Tyco Brown Box Chatanooga over n under for Xmas. I spent 3 or 4 years building and running that engine around my 4x8 layout. (well, try to anyway, those Tycos never worked quite right) I bought some Campbell Models then and only built a few. They were all tossed out by my folks, but I have since found a few that I had back then online.

I also enjoy building as well as running. I have scratchbuilt some things and bought kits. I, personally, don't like prebuilt buildings. I will buy ready to run rolling stock and engines, but buildings are another matter.

I have found quite a few laser cut kits, older punch out kits, and other kinds of kits.

Just thought I would chime in...

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