Freelance 2012
jwb Wrote:But remember that in many areas, the old-style main street with brick storefronts has given way to ...

We did find a lot of strips of old brick buildings in small towns at the country side. Most of those town are to small to attract a Walmart. They got a smaller "noname" supermarket at the outskirt. The old brick building strip is physically still existing but in lousy shape. Lots of stores are unused, empty or used for pawn shops etc. It is sad to drive through those small town as a tourist but it must be worse if you are young and hungry for the colorful world or if you are old and remember how your home town has been many years ago. When we traveled in the 90' most small town has a small and simple but friendly restaurant we got a nice lunch (e.g. liver, mashed potatoes and gravy for less than $5). They were easy to identify by the trucks of the local plumber, mechanic, , sheriff etc. parking in front. We found that has also changed. They have all been replaced by fast food restaurants chains....
However, what I want to say is that I do try to freelance one of those many small nameless towns with two industries still alive and therefor some trains serving them. The commercial strips are a leftover from better times.

Garbage cans, palettes, gas meter etc. are on order. Will take some weeks.... and added some details

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