Big Blue NASCAR 2012 Racin'!!!!
I wonder if any of you saw the article about NASCAR spending big bucks to try to understand the attendance problem .....turns out that a significant % of young people don't really like cars in the same way that most of us did growing up . They don't like to tinker with cars ( like I did ) and the whole thing translates into younger people being somewhat disinterested in racing .....sounds about the same for trains doesn't it ? Wink

From being in the car business 20+ years , I certainly sensed a different attitude towards cars but didn't realize how badly that translated for racing . I suppose it is logical but then while I'm a bigtime football and hockey fan , I didn't play either ....was a ballplayer .

So it looks like Nascar has a problem !

Oh , the young people , according to the Nascar survey , like ipods and various other electronic gadgetry instead . Yup , not surprised .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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