Good things come in narrow packages
tetters & Gus....I can't really give a better description of how I did it than I did on the bottom of page 2. :oops:
What I will do (when the weather cooperates) is take a piece of gatorboard or something, paint the clouds outside, and take some pics along the way (if there is any interest). Maybe I can try different variations....I was really winging it when I did the wall usual. Thumbsup

Quote:That's not your lights, it's the "11% gray" light built into the exposure meter...makes my hair look gray, too ! Bob C.
Bob...I knew the gray wasn't cuz I'm getting old.......thanks for sharing the real reason! Goldth

Quote:They look great Steve, there not a bit low to the horizon though are they? Then again if need be you can paint landscape upward .
Lynn...of course they are!....LOL! I just didn't think about it (I should have re-looked at how you did yours). I did mist the lower 6" of the backdrop for an indication of the horizon line....It doesn't show though.... Sad

I hope to get more done this weekend.....hopefully Thumbsup

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