doctorwayne's New Years Resolution Challenge...
ocalicreek Wrote:How helpful to have SEVEN cars to line up for that step-by-step construction shot! Saves you from having to take seven pictures of the same car! Big Grin


Yeah, and it saves the poor viewers (if there are many left) from having to wade through all the extra photos, too. Icon_lol
I generally get rolling on a particular phase of a project and then forget to take "in-progress" photos - that's why the eighth car showing the start of the roofwalk (a single board in the centre strip) isn't included: it had been already completed. Misngth Misngth

I went ahead and added the end ladders, and have decided that the side ladders will be shortened, like those on the ends, with the bottom rung represented by a drop-style grab iron. This will allow all of the hardware to be added to the cars' sides (grabs and ladders) before the cars need to be washed in preparation for adding the rivet decals. My hope is that they'll then be ready for primer without additional handling or cleaning.
These cars also will need weights - the interiors, with the thicker Tichy ends, are too short to allow use of the original Athearn weights, so I'll be casting new ones in lead. Since I intend to install them without directly cementing them in place, I'll try to remember to take a few more photos. Wink Big Grin


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