Paper Model questions

Worship That is a great tutorial, thanks for posting it. Thumbsup Thumbsup In seeing pictures of your layout posted here, I was wondering how you created the background buildings.

I have one observation and some questions.

I know that you already know this, but for everyone else who might not know, when working with lacquer thinner and solvent based contact adhesive (especially in large quantities), provide adequate ventilation and /or wear a solvent type of respirator. The solvents are flammable and not very good to breathe. Nope

And now the questions.

What’s the closest that you would mount one of these building flats to the edge of the layout before they wouldn’t look good? Would they be appropriate on a narrow shelf type of layout? I would assume that the closer to the edge that you get, you would have to add more stand-off detail to make it look better. Do you add a lot of detail to yours?


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