Compression and Resizing

The bigger dimensions with lower file size are a result of tweaking to see what you can get away with. Screen resolution is about 72dpi, so higher will not get any better to look at (printing is a different issue, requiring 300+ dpi for decent results).

The limits for the gallery (not sure if attachments are governed by the same limits) are:

Maximum file size (bytes): 250000
Maximum image width (pixels): 2000
Maximum image height (pixels): 2000

So you should be able to put up at least a 1024 x 768 (approx) image if you can get it under 250kB. So start by resizing to 1024 x 768 (most screens aren't set for more than this, so stick to this size to avoid people scrolling and/or complaining). Then use the compression or "quality" slider to reduce the file size. If you go too far, your picture will look pretty bad.

Trial and error is your friend. Wink


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