Making grass
nachoman Wrote:You could probably use RIT fabric dye. They used to sell that in the supermarket or drug store, but I don't know if they do anymore. I buy green ink at the local art supply store up the road, the same place I buy black india ink for weathering. Michaels or other craft stores may carry the same item. It's an old technique whose advantages are that it is cheap, you can vary the color by adjusting how much ink/dye you use, and the materials are easily available. Woodland scenics sells grass fibers that you can cut and use the same way and look a little better, IMO. It costs a little more, but I would imagine for a small layout just one package or two would be more than you need.

Thanks, Kevin. I'll still look at the Woodland Scenic options are well. Basically, I currently have a small 4x1' switching layout and a compact 3.5x6' continuous run layout. Rob
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