Oil based paints / Lacquer
I actually prefer the oil based paints for airbrushing. Yes, they stink more, but I think they go on smoother and clog less. You will need lacquer thinner for dullcote, or you can use whatever testor's specifies.

I thin dullcote about 50/50, then just load and spray. I like to do one light coat, and a second heavier coat. Be careful not to spray too thick as it will run.

Cleanup - just run straight lacquer thinner through the brush and wipe off everything with a paper towel dipped in thinner. If you are going to spray other oil based paints within a few days, this is fine. If you are putting the brush back in storage, I'd suggest disassembling and wiping off everything real good with a paper towel dipped in thinner.
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