How to place a divider
Since you have a plywood table underneath, I think you have a few things to consider:

1) Regardless of what material you use, cut down to the plywood table, and install brackets/braces directly on the wood. They will be much more stable this way.

2) Add a small curve (if possible) to the backdrop. Laminating the two pieces of 1/2" foam in a slight curve will make it much more rigid. The curve will give it stability in three dimensions instead of just 2.

3) Use something else - you can get styrene in a decent thickness from public transit (bus-side advertising) often for cheap. This will take up less real estate on your layout. 4" for two staging tracks is pretty tight, especially if there is a "fiddle yard" component. It is also very close to the edge of the layout in the event of a derailment.

4) How much open backdrop will there be? With a steel mill complex, I would imagine that you will have a number of flats, shallow buildings, as well as the backdrop. If these components are all integrated, the backdrop should be strong.

5) How will you access the staging?


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