Bachmann's Geep
Here's a shot of the chassis of the latest-version Bachmann GP50:     Reinhard says his last-but-one (presumably) has two small flywheels -- I certainly wish they'd stayed with what they had!

I got as far as removing the lettering and number from my body with some kind of paint remover for plastics, don't remember what was exactly in the jar. This wasn't simple, and it took off some layers of paint as well, so I masked off the light gray tuxedo and resprayed the rest.     Not a perfect job, but I'll fix it with weathering later.

OK, there are lots of problems with the Bachmann model, leaving aside the lack of flywheels on the current run: engineers side (long hood forward) dynamic brake not correct. Fans not correct, the radiator fans should be Q-fans. If the LHS had had those in stock, I would have replaced them, but no luck there. Trucks should be the late dash-2 Blombergs, but these are the older Blomberg-B. Fuel tank too big for SOU GP50. This is a 3-foot, layout quality model. If Athearn RTR had brought out a high hood GP50 in the $100 range, there would be no contest, but they haven't, and we can probably kiss $100 models good-bye for now anyhow. So a $30 SOU high-hood GP50 with some work needed -- I dunno, you decide.

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