Mass Shooting at Colorado Theater
Mike Kieran Wrote:American culture really has to examine gun control laws. The 2nd Amendment was meant for citizens to take arms when there was no standing militia. While people will argue with me that guns are a necessity of life, there is no way of judging the mental state that the person picking up the gun is in. Innocent people end up suffering for merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think this is on the verge of being one of those discussions that are disallowed on most forums, in order to keep the peace. I just want to clarify that the 2nd amendment is about the right to bear arms for protection from your own government. Remember that our forefathers declared independence from their own government and then the American Revolution was a war between a government, and it's (soon to be former) citizens. When a government becomes too corrupt, we reserve the right as a people to separate from that government. The right to bear arms is about being able to form a militia of the people, to defend against the government and it's organised military.


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