Freelance 2012
The left most building waits for details to be done tomorrow. It is now time for glue and paint to set.
[Image: 687d92f6.jpg?t=1343501585]

This little overview of the east industry should provide an impression of the proportions of switcher, switching cut, track length and building size. That is the reason why I removed a switch and a track. The buildings needs to be more dominating (depth about 7") and the track needs to be longer to hold the switcher more easy without fouling the road.
[Image: 122cabfe.jpg?t=1343504576]
[Image: e157b9b5.jpg?t=1343501589]

and the the view of the east industry while sitting in my chair during an operating session
[Image: 209a9ea9.jpg?t=1343505699]

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