Introducing The PistonBroke Line
Hi Folks, 8-)
Its time to take 5 minutes out of your busy lives, sit down, point the finger and laugh at Jacks attempt to build "The Pistonbroke Line" into an operating masterpiece. Popcornbeer

Now I think we had a few cliffs on the make last time I was here, and the sky was the limit as far as the painting went. 2285_ (Gee I reckon that dude looks a bit like me when I'm painting.)
But I digress
The line took a steady climb up this side of the layout alongside the cliffs
[Image: 100_0474.jpg]

Then around the back corner and along the far wall
[Image: 100_0473.jpg]

Until it came to a boxed in section of the wall where the electricity ran and the fuse box is located which we had to go around then back to the wall

Here 'Tis. Here, is also meant to be a bit of a ravine in the grand plan
[Image: 100_0490.jpg]

I thought about going through that box section and making it appear as a tunnel. Thumbsup
A couple of minor things stopped me................
# 1 "The War Office" telling me I couldnt blast a hole in her wall. Eek
# 2 And the smell of burning flesh if some of those wires inside the boxed section happened to get nasty with me. Shoot
So Jack had to find a way to get around and not through this obstacle. More on that later.
I will concentrate on this back corner for a while even 'tho it is out of sequence a bit.

After putting the risers down, I covered them with plaster cloth

and then gave that a liberal splashing of sculpturemoldy stuff Misngth
[Image: 100_0619.jpg]

Great fun and hugely messy 'cause I've never done it before, and, I was reaching a bit to far to execute the job in hand with my usual aplomb and flair,........ And if you believe that then then I indeed have you under a spell. :oops:
Trouble is the reaching really got bad when I had to fill in that back corner we have just come around.

After the"Sculpture stuff" was dry I tried my hand at painting again.

Maybe a mountain or two
[Image: 100_0672.jpg]

[Image: 100_0684.jpg]

Then a bit of green stuff on the embankment and a few trees planted along the back
[Image: 100_0690.jpg]
[Image: 100_0687.jpg]
sorry about the blur...... That cameraman is no longer employed here.

[Image: 100_0695.jpg]
So we had traversed up a bit of a rise and come to the bridge at the fuse box. Cheers

Here are the only photos I have of how I intend to get around this problem
[Image: 100_0620.jpg]
[Image: 100_0851.jpg]
Obviously the cleaner was also let go. :oops:

I cut some foam board and made the bridge supports. They 'aint flash but they are doing the job for now.
I spray painted them with an enamel based paint from a spray can, which melted the foam to give the concrete sort of appearance. :mrgreen:

Then around the other side of the bridge the line descends down to sea level again to what one day maybe the port
[Image: 100_0727.jpg]
And Wallbang Are we there yet?
[Image: 100_0635.jpg]
Yep I think so Thumbsup

Ok. So we have a completed Line going around the outside, and the trains up and running. Thumbsup
A bit of paint slapped on the backboard to give a fleeting glimpse of what we may be passing thru. 2285_ ( my painting dude again)
And next Time I will try to find some photos my attempt at filling in under the stairs up in that top left back corner we have just passed.

So till we meet again
So long from
Jack 219 and the 'War Office" Nope

Silly girl
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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