Model Train Production News
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jwb Wrote:I wouldn't go that far about Accurail -- they have, in fact, updated their line with one or two new kits a year, such as the steel-sided reefers, the combo door boxcars, and the 41-foot gons; before that the AAR twin and triple offset hoppers. They clearly mean to occupy the bluebox niche, with updated detail standards and technology. Both the reefer and gon kits now have brake rod assemblies, for instance, and it looks as though they could update earlier kits with the same assemblies (or you could order the part and do it yourself). In 2009 they cleared out a lot of their older stock at 40% discount, and it looks like they're trying to run a leaner operation to keep the doors open in this economy. If you want bluebox, you've got it, more up to date, and they seem to be trying to stay afloat. Where's the complaint?

Here's the rub..

If they wanted to keep their doors open they would stock their kits since their main competitors are now RTR and killed their line of kits..No stock means lost sales its just that simple after all you can't sell what you don't have.

Judging by the sales and steady release of high end models I think that "economy " excuse is getting old,worn and weak.

The real question should be why aren't those modelers lamenting the lost of the BB and MDC kits flocking to Accurail?

No stock perhaps?


Summerset Ry

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