I'm back after a computer melt down...
I think for the time being I'll mess around with the new CPU and see how it goes . There was a lot of work to do as my dear old aunt had the computer for about 6 or 7 years and never did any Microsoft updates , nor did she delete old emails ....they were back to 2007 ! I did all the updates , 50 or 60 in all , and deleted all the programs i thought were unnecessary . Unfortunately , in my haste , I deleted the drivers for the mouse ! Not good , but was lucky enough to get them back because nothing works without the mouse !

The computer was a little slow with the internet so I did a number of steps to make it faster ...not too bad now .

Thanks for the various tips , guys , now I can get back to my layout that I've neglected for the past few weeks .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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