SP&S Lelco Spur
I started a new project that will combine both my Free-mo and a display layout. My plan is to build a layout that when I move again can be loaded up and taken to my next location without having to tear anything off the walls. I also could take it to shows as a stand alone layout or even connect to a set of Free-mo modules and participate in a Free-mo event. The layout I am building is going to be 18" by 13' long and will be designed to be able to be put together to form a box for easy carrying. Since i do not have a huge amount of space and even less time I am taking small bites on this project. As my workspace is the garage and I prefer to work in a more climate controlled area I will be working on the layout one scene at a time. Each scene will be 17" wide and lenght will vary from 2' to 3' depending on the layout of the track. As the scenes are completed I will put them together to finishing the whole layout. When all the scenes are done I can blend all the pieces together, finish detailing and have a complete layout. I am not sure how well this will work, but I am going to have a good time doing it.

Here is the oveall plan of the Display Layout:
[Image: Lelco+Spur+Drawing.jpg]
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg


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